Friday, October 9, 2009

Plagiarism 100%

To state Saurabh's law of "Artistic Acumen Reciprocation" across developed nations and developing nations

"All artistic pieces of developed nations are at all times matched by a corresponding piece of art in developing nation."

The "Authenticity Factor" that relates this is defined below.

Let A be the authenticity factor then.
K = (1 - A) * Art from developed nation + A * Art from developing nation

K is a developing nation dependent constant taking into consideration the technological handicaps.
A is the "Authenticity Index" that ranges from 0 to 1. It is also the inverse of Plagiarism index(P).

'A' should ideally move from 0 to 1, as a nation develops. I was under impression that we were atleast past the 0.5 mark, but following seems to indicate that its still around 0.01 mark.

I hope this is just an out-lier rather than a trend.